#Inktober- FIRST HALF #OriginalArt SALE!

Hey everyone.  Sorry I haven't posted my #Inktober pieces one and a time, but its been hard enough doing them everyday!  I've done pretty well (much better than I thought I would) at keeping up with Inktober this year!  My theme this year is DC Comic characters.  Below are a bunch of the first half of this month's!  Many of these are now up for purchase (the original art5!) in my STORE section.  Check it out!  AND- as a bonus to Inktober (but outside of my DC comics theme) is a Barbarian Girl illustration I did for a friend!  More soon!

Johnny Quest and Bandit

Finally!  I've been so buried with freelance, the day work, the Kickstarter and #MerMay, I haven't gotten to just draw "whatever I wanted".  This morning was that.  I was inspired by the new "Doc" Shaner drawn "Future Quest" comic that DC is doing.  Its great!  My version of Johnny Quest looks a bit like Johnny mixed with Cody from Rescuer's Down Under, I think.  Original art is in my Store, if you interested.